Rising Xenophobia in Germany

For months the flow of refugees has not stopped. As it might not be a long term solution to allow the increasing amount of refugees to access Europe, one significant

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Hawaii: too Green to Function?

With an ambitious bill planning a 100% renewable energy use in 2050 pending in the Hawaii legislature, states are looking towards the island for its example. With fossil fuels occupying

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Crowdfunding a Nation

Everything can be crowdfunded nowadays. One pitches an idea to the internet and people who are interested can contribute. It provides great opportunities for a lot of individuals, businesses and

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Understanding the Russian-Ukrainian Energetic Relations

Cowritten with Klaudia Nemčická Energy is considered to be one of the most significant forces contributing to world’s economic progress and as consumption of Gazprom produced natural gas represents 34% of

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The Power of a Flower: Recovering Rwanda’s Agriculture

Chrysanthemum Cinerariifolium – it is the name of a flower that promises hope and revived agriculture in Rwanda, a country that justifies the very word recovery and proves to utilize

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Uproar in the Internal Market

Whenever we discuss the evolvement of the European Union it does not take long until someone mentions the achievement of the four freedoms – free movement of goods, services, workers

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The Tragedy of the 21st Century’s Europe

For refugees, asylum-seeking process in the EU is a major problem. On the one hand, the population of some member states does not welcome African or Middle Eastern immigrants. On

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Malaria Vaccine Found

Every minute a child dies of Malaria. Every year nearly one million people die because of the tropical infection which is one of the deadliest diseases of our time. Just

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Effective Environmental Policies – Seeking for the Impossible?

When discussing environmental issues, firstly their potential effectiveness needs to be determined. How does one ensure active participation in the governmental contests, which in turn culminates in effective decision-making procedures?

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United Nations Super Heroes: has Superman decided to renounce his American citizenship?

The comic book superhero, perhaps one of the most “American” inventions of the 20th century. At the eve of World War II, the ‘golden age’ of the American comics began

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