New Life on… the International Space Station?!

Life finds a way! Learn more about how scientists are discovering new bacteria and fungi off of Earth

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The European Way of Life – Only for Europeans?

On the morning of the 9th of September 2020 many newspapers, news portals and accounts on social media showed similar images: a burning refugee camp. The refugee camp was located

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Finally, a vaccine! – And now?

After a year of terrible losses, great abandonment, loneliness, and overall hardship for many people around the world, there finally seemed to be a glimmer of hope on the 8th

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We Need to Talk About Climate Migrants and We Need to Talk About Them Now.

As Climate Change intensifies, Climate Migrants become more of a terrifying reality. Already crippled by the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus, Guatemala and other Central American countries are facing

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Analysis: Is it ethically justified to have children?

We are all aware that ice caps are melting, rainforests are being felled or burned down, and the ozone layer is depleting. The number of conflicts in the world is

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Trans Day of Remembrance: A Reminder of Resilience Against Violence.

On the 20th of November, we remember and honor our Trans and gender-diverse people that were taken by violence. On a daily basis, transgender people fight for the validation of

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Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy – And how it might be a way to make the world a bit better

In many countries around the world, the demand for gender equality is growing and feminist ideas are being discussed in a number of contexts. While this is crucial, especially in

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Realist IR Theory: Back in Vogue?

It has been years now since you finished school and sadly, it has also been years since much of what was learnt within those walls you have no longer used.

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The Fear Factor: Driving Cooperation Forward?

In the realm of international relations, few policy decisions are made on grounds other than fear. Indeed, as the neorealist Kenneth Waltz argues, “alliances are made by states that have

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From failing to moving forward? – Assessing Europe’s “Hamilton moment”

How does an idea, project, son of a war, And a Schuman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot In Brussels by providence impoverished In squalor, grow up to

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