What is ‘The Great Reset’ and what are its dangers?

Posters on ‘the Great Reset’ have sprung up all over the country, with the significant words ‘you will own nothing and you will be happy’. What exactly is meant by this phrase, where does it come from and what are its potential implications for our democracy?

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Bridgerton and the visibility debate

On March 25th 2022 the world shifted a little bit again with season two of bridgerton finally bein released. In 2020 the world got introduced into a little show called

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The Egypt-Ethiopian Nile conflict: the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), a hydropower dam built by Ethiopia on the Blue Nile, has led to tensions among Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia. After Ethiopia announced that it

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Why You Should Go Out And Vote For The Municipal Council Elections – 2 Reasons

In 2 days, on the 16th of March 2022, it is time again for the elections of the municipal council. But unlike the national elections, there is not nearly as

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“Not all men”: No, but actually yes

Every single woman reading this article will have her own experiences with catcalling, physical and/or mental intimidation, or even sexual assault. The uprising of the ‘Me Too’ movement has illuminated

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The Olympics: A game where eventually everyone loses

Countries spend billions of euros to host the Olympic Games, for the sake of promoting their country and culture to the world, attracting tourists and for the overarching goal of uniting people through sports. However, the negative externalities of hosting the Games are oftentimes forgotten.

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“Allochtoon” or Dutch with a migration background?

The Dutch have a bit of an obsession with ethnic backgrounds. In 1971, they decided to call people with a non-Dutch ethnical background an “allochtoon” (foreigner). Since I have a

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Valentine’s Day and Mental Health: Two Sides to Every Story

It is the 14th of February again. A day in which couples share their affection, buy each other gifts, go out for dinner, and celebrate their love. A day in

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Keeping the memory of Anne Frank alive

Lately, it hasn’t taken me much to notice a certain name in the papers, cinemas, and books; Anne Frank. There have been multiple movies made and books written about her

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West Side Story (2021): Beautifully reiterated

Last Tuesday I went to the Forum with my parents, and we watched the remake of the classic West Side Story. For the layman that read this: West Side Story

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