Soft Power of Stone: Defending the Narrative of the Great Patriotic War

The statue of marshal Ivan Stepanovich Konev on Prague’s International Brigades’ Square has been a source of controversy for several years. Installed in May 1980 to commemorate the 35th anniversary

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Commitment: About the ICC and war crimes in Afghanistan

On the 5th of March 2020, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) gave the Prosecutor the green light to commence an investigation concerning alleged war crimes committed

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Greece Pressured by New Surge of Refugees

Signs of another refugee crisis are starting to show, as Turkey opened its borders with Greece this weekend. It is almost reminiscent of the one in 2015, although this time

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The EU’s white paper on Artificial Intelligence: Pushing for progress while keeping Pandora’s box locked?

Over the last couple of days, several high ranking Silicon Valley executives — including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg — paid visits to Brussels. In the build-up to this week’s announcement,

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For Auld Lang Syne: Looking Back at Brexit

Today, the 31st of January 2020, is a day which some thought that would never come, yet it is here upon us: Brexit. Earlier this week, Nigel Farage showed his

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The origin of the EU’s migration problem – or how Europe learned to stop worrying and forget solidarity

Yesterday, the interior ministers of the EU were meeting in Zagreb to yet again negotiate about a common policy on the distribution of migrants. The stakes could not be higher

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America’s Man of Steel: Andrew Carnegie’s Life of Wealth & Legacy of Peace

Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) – a Scottish-born American industrialist who is among the wealthiest persons to have ever lived – is widely regarded as the father of modern philanthropy. After growing

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Preserving Power, for Life: Making Sense of the Russian Government’s Resignation

In his annual address to Russia’s Federal Assembly this Wednesday, President Putin made a surprising, yet not unexpected claim. Alongside reporting on the state of Russia’s overall political situation and

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A Unique Conservative-Green Coalition in Austria: An Example for Others?

Something exceptional has happened in Austrian politics: the conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) of Sebastian Kurz has formed a coalition with the Green party. This is the result of negotiations

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Christmas Chaos: French Strikes Continue During the Holidays

People all over Europe are now traveling far and wide to get home to their families in time for the holidays. However, regardless of whether every step is carefully planned

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