The Fear Factor: Driving Cooperation Forward?

In the realm of international relations, few policy decisions are made on grounds other than fear. Indeed, as the neorealist Kenneth Waltz argues, “alliances are made by states that have

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Two Bears Poking Each Other: About the Border Conflict between India and China

Amidst a global pandemic, the threat of conflict has risen on the Asian continent. Since the beginning of May, soldiers from the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of

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The Mozambican Conflict: Cabo Delgado’s Civil War

In May 2018, a group of 10 people, including children, were beheaded in the Montane village of Mozambique. The preparators behind this violence? An Islamist group known as Jamaat Ansar

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Still Fired Up: North Korea Continues Missile Testing in Trying Times

In a time where both the politicians and the public’s attention are focused on the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on everyday life now and in the foreseeable future, it

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A Mexican Standoff in the Middle of a Pandemic – Understanding the New Oil Price War

In the shadow of the corona pandemic, a second crisis seems to be unfolding as oil prices have been falling 45% since the start of the year. Plunging to an

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Commitment: About the ICC and war crimes in Afghanistan

On the 5th of March 2020, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) gave the Prosecutor the green light to commence an investigation concerning alleged war crimes committed

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Greece Pressured by New Surge of Refugees

Signs of another refugee crisis are starting to show, as Turkey opened its borders with Greece this weekend. It is almost reminiscent of the one in 2015, although this time

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Ireland GE2020: Understanding the dramatic change in the Irish political landscape

On Saturday the 8th of February, the 2020 Irish general election took place which produced an outcome that dramatically altered the dominant political players on the island. For the past

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The Right to Water: A Disregarded Imperative in Trump’s Israel-Palestine Peace Plan

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has persisted for over seven decades. It has outlasted the diplomatic and military efforts of fifteen previous US-Presidents, and determining from the latest developments, seems unlikely to

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The origin of the EU’s migration problem – or how Europe learned to stop worrying and forget solidarity

Yesterday, the interior ministers of the EU were meeting in Zagreb to yet again negotiate about a common policy on the distribution of migrants. The stakes could not be higher

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