Are we still masters of our own fate?

“Common sense prevailed.” San Francisco supervisor Hillary Ronen used these words to praise the vote on Police-operated “killer-robots”. Citizens protested after it was announced that the San Francisco police department

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Moldova on the verge of energy crisis: Between the West and the East

Moldova. One tiny Eastern-European country, situated right between the ongoing war in Ukraine and the European Union border, in the face of Romania. Why should we know more about it?

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Brussels, we have a problem

The Goddess Iris served as a messenger between the gods of ancient, Greek mythology. Today, “IRIS II” shall serve as the European Union’s guardian of communication in times of natural

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What Has Changed in Afghanistan?

Around nine months ago, all eyes were on Afghanistan as the U.S. and many other western countries withdrew their troops. Now, almost nine months later, we don’t pay a lot of attention to the country anymore.

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Guantánamo Bay: “Hunt down and punish those (not) responsible”

Although former US-President Obama promised to close the prison during his campaign in 2009, Cuba-based Guantánamo Bay is still operational to this day, more than twenty years later. The prison

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What is ‘The Great Reset’ and what are its dangers?

Posters on ‘the Great Reset’ have sprung up all over the country, with the significant words ‘you will own nothing and you will be happy’. What exactly is meant by this phrase, where does it come from and what are its potential implications for our democracy?

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The Moral Implications of Economic Sanctions

Economic sanctions are a popular tool to punish a state without using armed forces and risking a military conflict. For this reason, they have been in fashion over the past few decades, and are now once again being used against Russia as a reaction to the war in Ukraine.

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Fireworks from Pyongyang: a Potential New Arms Race

While most of us have not seen fireworks since the beginning of this year, North Korea has decided to keep firing away. Just this month alone, the country under the lead of President Kim Jong-Un, has fired six rockets for practice, the last one landing in the Japanese Sea, just east of the Korean Peninsula.

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The “War on Drugs” in Latin America – and How Women Are Its Victims

Writing from the Netherlands, where drugs are liberalized to a certain extent, it is hard to imagine what policies look like on the other side of the world. Don’t worry,

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Trouble at the Border: How Lukashenko uses Migrants as a Weapon

Internal division and rise of populism marked the migrant crisis in Europe six years ago and the aftereffects are still felt today. In the Mediterranean region, boats full of desperate

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