Wind of change or bureaucratic desolation? The future of wind energy in Europe

When asked to name a piece of good news from 2020, most of us would probably struggle to find the positive amidst the death, danger and desperation. One thing that

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Nut Zoom: Cashews

Every so often, one gets engaged in a nutfull discussion on which nut variety one is most likely to pick from one of those student-loved nut mix packages to be

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New Life on… the International Space Station?!

Life finds a way! Learn more about how scientists are discovering new bacteria and fungi off of Earth

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Nature is being given legal personhood

In a first for Canada, the Minganie municipality, the Innu council of Ekuanitshit, and several environmental groups have set a legal precedent by granting legal personhood to the Magpie River

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Uganda’s opposition leader arrested during protests

Uganda seems on edge after Bobi Wine was again arrested and intimidated along with his party partners. After losing his election for Presidency against the current incumbent President Yoweri Museneni, Bobi Wine has faced particular challenges including house arrest, harassment, and persecution from the established regime. Find out more on our Checks & Balances site.

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